Tuesday, October 25, 2016

How to Welcome Your Trick or Treaters

Happy Halloween!!! 

*Directions to make this witch wreath below.
1)  Candy treats are great, but you can also think outside the box with some healthier
     alternatives.  Drink box, Fruit Snacks, pretzels, or dollars store party favors are also
     big with the children!
2)  Light the path to your door.
3)  Remove tripping hazards like electrical cords and the garden hoses.
4)  Do not invite the children into your house.
5)  Have your treats in a shatter proof container near your door.
6)  Secure your pets to make sure they do not come in contact with trick or treaters.
7)  "Neighborhood Watch" groups through Facebook have been an excellent way to keep
      a neighborhood informed.  To get your group off to a quick start place notes in the
      Halloween bags with the name of your neighborhood group and invite their parents
      to join.

Do you have an old birdcage stored away?  Add a creepy crow, batty bat, or a spooky spider...

The witch is in!!!

Add lighting to any dollhouse with battery operated candles!
Have a safe and Happy Halloween!

* To make the "Witch Wreath" I used mesh ribbon in three layers, each a different color that I wove on to a wire wreath, purchased at a craft store. Next, I found a witch hat and small broom at a dollar store.  Attach them with a glue gun. The feet were found at Hobby Lobby. The fishnet gloves were purchased at a costume store. The hands came with the gloves.  I painted them a flesh tone and added fingernails.  Attach them to the door first with tape then hang the wreath over the arms.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Amazing Autumn!!!


Hardy Mums

Autumn is my favorite time of year, it is abundant and rich with a cornucopia of our earths natural fireworks that command our attention of it's autumnal beauty! This is the time of year to prepare for the coming cold months. We change our menus to butternut squash, pumpkin and chicken soups, study some crock pot recipes, and warm our hands and souls with hot teas, and flavored coffees. Our wardrobe begins to reflect the cooler temperatures as we layer our clothing and bring out our favorite sweaters.  Isn't it fun to decorate our homes to reflect the colors and abundance around us, too?

I am intrigued by the two new color combos of the season!  I always adore working in monochromatic color schemes especially whites and creams.  I so love to play with textures, shadows, highlights and low lights, and proportions!  But, stealing the show for this year is the combination of teal, orange and golds!  I had to incorporate both this autumn season...
Teals, Golds, and Oranges
More Teals, Golds, and Oranges
Monochromatic shades of white are my favorite!

Happy Fall Y'all!