Saturday, July 30, 2016

Beachy Birds

"Beachy Birds" This idea has been on my mind since I saw a post on facebook of people made out of pebbles! You can create this art work in 30 minutes!

 All you need are flat pebbles one oval and two triangle shaped, twigs, black paint, tiny liner brush or paint pen, a glue gun, and small pruners.

Trim the twig to fit the frame.

 I painted the back of the frame white.  I left it mottled to give it the beachy "look."  To construct the nest, cut several small pieces of twig shorter to longer and glue above the branch.

 Place and glue the triangle pebbles to resemble birds protecting their nest.

                                                        Paint in the beaks and eyes.

Take time to enjoy nature!


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