Sunday, August 7, 2016

Remember the Pet Rock of the Seventies?

Remember the pet rock of the seventies?  Well, here at Ambience on a Budget we have come a long way since then.  Are you looking for an inexpensive garden prop, knick knack, or paperweight? Try one of these craft projects!

Here are some I have made so far. The smallest gray striped kitten to the right was my first attempt.  I included it so you can see there is a learning curve. It helps to visualize the animal in the rock as you paint.

Missy Mouse

Missy Mouse Profile

Becky Bunny
Becky Bunny Profile
Katie Kitten
Pet Rock of the Seventies
This intricate design is made by using the handle tip of your paint brush or an instrument called a stylus.  Each dot you make without redipping in the paint will get consecutively smaller until you redip the tip. To make each dot the same size you redip after each dot.

We've come along way, baby!


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