Tuesday, September 6, 2016

What Every Entry Needs...

When planning your entry imagine yourself as a guest approaching your front door.  What type of feeling are you trying to evoke?   Friendly, welcoming perceptions can begin before your front door is opened!  A couple chairs with some cushions and potted plants are traditional statements that have endured over the generations.  I like to place a handy table to rest a package while ringing the doorbell and waiting to be greeted.  Add ambience by engaging the senses with fragrant outdoor plants like chocolate mint, heliotrope, and evergreen.  Also, dripping water fountains, and soft chimes, can literally set the tone of the visit when strategically placed near the door. Finishing touches that bring visual interest like harmonizing your colors, textures and lighting are inviting elements that are sure to be enjoyed.
Keep your entry well lit for your evening guests.  A welcome mat gives a finished look. Be sure to wash the outside of your front door or give it a fresh coat of paint!

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